

1. Python 2.7 installation on Windows8.1 x64.

2. PIL (pillow) for Python 2.7 installation.

Use PIL only on x86, Use pillow instead on x64. Download the pillow and then:
“pip install YOUR_PATH_TO_PILLOW/Pillow-xxx-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl”.

PS: If you use pillow, remember to replace “import Image/ImageEnhance” with “from PIL import Image/ImageEnhance”.

3. Pytesser module installation.

PS: Download the Pytesser package, and change the value “tesseract_exe_name” from “tesseract” to “/tesseract”.

4. Tesseract-ocr installation.

“pip install tesseract-ocr”.

Note: Pytesser will call tesseract in .py script, and then execute tesseract.exe file, which will need the tesseract-ocr environment. Please install any dependance library when prompted, VCForPython27 for example may need if not exist.