getting started

Our setup consists of Following main components:

  • Skycoin Node itself and its command line utilities

  • Skycoin Teller

Both the node & teller are developed in Go. In order to proceed, you must have a developer environment ready.

Skycoin Node:

This is a full Skycoin Node on the network. It downloads & stores the full chain on disk. It is used for sending signed transactions to the network and verify transactions.

Command Line tools interact with the node over JSON-RPC.

Download the Code

go get

Install Node

cd $GOPATH/src/
cd cmd/skycoin; go install

Then skycoin -h to see the command-line options. The node can be now be started


Note, that on first start & all subsequent starts, the node will connect to peers & download remaining blocks. The storage size is however quite modest ( 41 M as of Jan 18).

The node makes a web-ui available on http://localhost:6420/.

Client Reference

The client interacts with the node over JSON-RPC.

cd $GOPATH/src/
go run cmd/cli.go


The Teller is OTC exchange that can be used to exchange BTC and ETH for Skycoin. Getting started should be familiar

Download the Code

go get

Install Teller

cd $GOPATH/src/
cd cmd/teller; go install

Then teller -h to see the command-line options. The teller can be now be started


Teller’s web-ui is available on http://localhost:7071/.

Further setup is required in order to get the teller connected with the Skycoin, Bitcoin & Ethereum nodes.

Please refer to the README in corresponding Teller and Skycoin for further details.

No translation bounty

Read about the Skycoin Bounty Program