better late than never

Well, the promised update has taken much longer than expected. This blog is best updated when I’m in airport waiting lounge, it seems.

What happened this year?

  1. Went to Kanazawa two more times, March and October. This has helped establishing and solidifying collaborative relationship regarding biological aerosol studies.
  2. I started working on a geothermal metagenome project. A project I can call my own, which is quite exciting. I have many draft notes I should and plan to consolidate.
  3. With the installation of a new workstation computer, it’s about time for me to update my methods notes and so it seems the outdated notes may no longer be necessary. I hope I can gather the new methods, potentially for future classes.

TO DO (forever delayed but still on my mind)

  1. Metagenomic notes
  2. 16S/ITS amplicon analysis notes
  3. Phylomatic (large-scale cyanobacterial phylogenomics script)
  4. Updated 16S/ITS processing method - explore new tools to develop new pipelines, including more robust framework such as snakemake
  5. Develop arduino based sensor system (affordable portable weather station for aerosol studies).

I will keep these update short and sweet, with the hope that I can do more regular updates.