Droplet How to make a blog on GitHub

1. 安装Python, Pelican环境

virtualenv .env/ --python=python3.3
source .env/bin/activate

2. 生成网站

make html

3. 上传Github

pelican content/ -o output/ -s pelicanconf.py
ghp-import output/

  • Update to [mysite] branch gh-pages
    git push origin gh-pages

  • Update to [rainn.github.io] master
    git push https://github.com/Rainn/rainn.github.io.git gh-pages:master

  • 自动部署
    add following to .git/hooks/post-commit

"pelican content/ -o output/ -s pelicanconf.py &&
ghp-import output/ &&
git push origin master &&
!git push origin gh-pages &&
git push https://github.com/Rainn/rainn.github.io.git gh-pages:master"


  1. 进入工作目录(mysite)
  2. 用TextMate等任何喜欢的文本编辑器按照Markdown的方式在[content]目录下写文章
  3. 命令行运行
    git add .
    git commit -m 'comment'

!!! DONE !!! >_<