update magento url after migrate site from one environment to another

This is a little stepping guide to update baseurl after migrate your
Magento website/web-store from one environment to another.

Why you need to update Magento baseurl

The reason because Magento keep your site base-url in the database. So once you
moved your site from one environment to another you probably need to change it.


If you have your website on your local environment (Local computer)
and now you want to publish it. You will need to change your URL to reflect

How to change the base url

For that you will need to access your MySQL database using any MySQL management
tool like phpMyAdmin. There are multiple options to update your domain/baseurl
in the database. But personally I prefer to do this in following way.


Here are the steps, execute following queries from your MySQL management tool.

Find unsecure url

select * from core_config_data where path = 'web/unsecure/base_url';

Find secure one:

select * from core_config_data where path = 'web/secure/base_url';

Optional if you are using table prefixes

select * from core_config_data where path = 'admin/url/custom';

If you have multiple stores PLEASE BE CAREFUL and note the config_id numbers
for each row.

Each query will return something like this:

select * from core_config_data where path = 'web/unsecure/base_url';
config_id scope scope_id path value
6 default 0 web/unsecure/base_url http://magento.localhost/

You need to note the first column which is your config_id, each id is
unique and we can use that to update just the row we want to update.
This will ensure you do not update a wrong row or more rows than you wanted.

Updating rows

Next thing is to take each of the rows you want to change and updating
them with your New URL.

Important thing to remember

When you add your new row, remember to add your trailing /. If you do not do
this your site will be completely messed up and your CSS and JS will not work!

Let’s update

update core_config_data
set value = 'http://new-domain.com/'
where config_id = 6;

Remember: I got my config_id from my original queries and I need to use that to update my rows. If you are not sure of you config_id you can double check by selecting the row with that config_id (this is like double check)

select * from core_config_data where config_id = 6

You can repeat the update steps for each of your config_id(s) and then you are
all done!