review terms in database system concepts

Chapter 1 Introduction

• Database-management system (DBMS)
• Database-system applications
• File-processing systems
• Data inconsistency
• Consistency constraints
• Data abstraction
• Instance
• Schema
    ◦  Physical schema
    ◦  Logical schema
• Physical data independence
• Data models
    ◦  Entity-relationship model
    ◦  Relational data model
    ◦  Object-based data model
    ◦  Semistructured data model
• Database languages
    ◦  Data-definition language
    ◦  Data-manipulation language
    ◦  Query language
• Metadata
• Application program
• Normalization
• Data dictionary
• Storage manager
• Query processor
• Transactions
    ◦  Atomicity
    ◦  Failure recovery
    ◦  Concurrency control
• Two- and three-tier database architectures
• Data mining
• Database administrator (DBA)

Chapter 2 Introduction to the Relational Model

• Table
• Relation
• Tuple
• Attribute
• Domain
• Atomic domain
• Null value
• Database schema
• Database instance
• Relation schema
• Relation instance
• Keys
    ◦  Superkey
    ◦  Candidate key
    ◦  Primary key
• Foreign key
    ◦  Referencing relation
    ◦  Referenced relation
• Referential integrity constraint
• Schema diagram
• Query language
    ◦  Procedural language
    ◦  Nonprocedural language
• Operations on relations
    ◦  Selection of tuples
    ◦  Selection of attributes
    ◦  Natural join
    ◦  Cartesian product
    ◦  Set operations
• Relational algebra

Chapter 3 Introduction to SQL

• Data-definition language
• Data-manipulation language
• Database schema
• Database instance
• Relation schema
• Relation instance
• Primary key
• Foreign key
    ◦ Referencing relation
    ◦ Referenced relation
• Null value
• Query language
• SQL query structure
    ◦ select clause
    ◦ from clause
    ◦ where clause
• Natural join operation
• as clause
• order by clause
• Correlation name (correlation variable, tuple variable)
• Set operations
    ◦ union
    ◦ intersect
    ◦ except
• Null values
    ◦ Truth value “unknown”
• Aggregate functions
    ◦ avg, min, max, sum, count
    ◦ group by
    ◦ having
• Nested subqueries
• Set comparisons
    ◦ {<,<=,>,>=} { some, all }
    ◦ exists
    ◦ unique
• lateral clause
• with clause
• Scalar subquery
• Database modification
    ◦ Deletion
    ◦ Insertion
    ◦ Updating

Chapter 4 Intermediate SQL

• Join types
    ◦ Inner and outer join
    ◦ Left, right and full outer join
    ◦ Natural, using, and on
• View definition
• Materialized views
• View update
• Transactions
    ◦ Commit work
    ◦ Rollback work
    ◦ Atomic transaction
• Integrity constraints
• Domain constraints
• Unique constraint
• Check clause
• Referential integrity
    ◦ Cascading deletes
    ◦ Cascading updates
• Assertions
• Date and time types
• Default values
• Indices
• Large objects
• User-defined types
• Domains
• Catalogs
• Schemas
• Authorization
• Privileges
    ◦ select
    ◦ insert
    ◦ update
    ◦ all privileges
    ◦ Granting of privileges
    ◦ Revoking of privileges
    ◦ Privilege to grant privileges
    ◦ Grant option
• Roles
• Authorization on views
• Execute authorization
• Invoker privileges
• Row-level authorization

Chapter 5 Advanced SQL

• Prepared statements
• Accessing metadata
• SQL injection
• Embedded SQL
• Cursors
• Updatable cursors
• Dynamic SQL
• SQL functions
• Stored procedures
• Procedural constructs
• External language routines
• Trigger
• Before and after triggers
• Transition variables and tables
• Recursive queries
• Monotonic queries
• Ranking functions
    ◦ Rank
    ◦ Dense rank
    ◦ Partition by
• Windowing
• Online analytical processing (OLAP)
• Multidimensional data
    ◦ Measure attributes
    ◦ Dimension attributes
    ◦ Pivoting
    ◦ Data cube
    ◦ Slicing and dicing
    ◦ Rollup and drill down
• Cross-tabulation

Chapter 6 Formal Relational Query Languages

• Relational algebra
• Relational-algebra operations
    ◦ Select
    ◦ Project
    ◦ Union
    ◦ Set difference
    ◦ Cartesian product
    ◦ Rename
• Additional operations
    ◦ Set intersection
    ◦ Natural join
    ◦ Assignment operation
    ◦ Outer join
         Left outer join
         Right outer join
         Full outer join
• Multisets
• Grouping
• Null value
• Tuple relational calculus
• Domain relational calculus
• Safety of expressions
• Expressive power of languages


  1. Database.System.Concepts(6th.Edition.2010).Abraham.Silberschatz