templates and generic programming, notes(7), effective c++

Templates and Generic Programming

(I read a Chinese version of the book, any translation problem plz point out.

Understand implicit interfaces and compile-time polymorphism

  • classes and templates both support interfaces and polymorphism.
  • as for classes, interfaces is explicit, based on function signatures,
    and their polymorphism happen in run-time via virtual functions.
  • as for templates, interfaces is implicit, based on valid expressions,
    and their polymorphism happen in compile-time via template instantiation and function overloading resolution.

Understand the two meanings of typename

dependent names: the names appeared in template and dependent on some template parameter.
nested dependent names: the dependent name nested in class.
C::const_iterator is a nested dependent type name.

C::const_iterator* x, what if const_iterator is a static member variable and x is a global variable?

  • keyword class and typename are the same when declare template parameters.
  • use typename to indentify the nested dependent name,
    but it mustn’t modify the base class in base class lists and member initialization lists.
template<typename T>
class Derived: public Base<T>::Nested {
    explicit Derived(int x): Basee<T>::Nested(x) {
        typename Base<T>::Nested tmp; 

Know how to access names in templatized base classes

  • use this-> to refer to the member names of base class templates in derived class templates.
  • use base class modifier, Base::name

Factor parameter-independent code out of templates

  • templates can generate a couple of classes and functions,
    so any template code should not be dependent on some template parameter which can cause code bloat.
  • code bloat caused by non-type template parameters can be removed via replacing them with
    function parameter or using class member variable.
  • code bload caused by type parameters can be reduced via sharing the implementation
    when the instantiation types are with completely same binary representations,
    such as strongly typed pointers (T*) to untyped pointers (void*).
template<typename T, std::size_t>
class SquareMatrix {
    void invert();


template<typename T>
class SquareMatrixBase {
    SquareMatrixBase(std::size_t n, T* pMem)
    : size(n), pData(pMem) {}
    void setDataPtr(T* ptr) { pData = ptr; }
    void invert() {} 

    std::size_t size;
    T* pData;

template<typename T, std::size_t n>
class SquareMatrix: private SquareMatrixBase<T> {
    : SquareMatrixBase<T>(n, 0), pData(new T[n * n]) {

    void invert() { SquareMatrixBase<T>::invert(); }
    std::unique_ptr<T[]> pData;
    // T data[n * n]; // maybe it is your choice

// in the first version, the matrix size is a compile-time constant, and
// it can be optimized as immediate operand in generated instructions.
// while the second version, resulting in smaller executable size, it can reduce 
// the size of working set of the program, and strengthen the locality of reference in cache.
// well, only profiling matters!!!

Use member function templates to accept “all compatible types”

  • use member function templates to generate the functions which accept “all compatible types”.
  • you need to declare normal copy constructor and copy assignment operator when using
    member function templates. or the compiler will generate one which may be not what
    you want.
template<typename T>
class SmartPtr {
    SmartPtr(const SmartPtr& r);

    template<typename U>
    SmartPtr(const SmartPtr<U>& other) // Make it more like a real pointer
    : heldPtr(other.get()) {}
    T* get() const { return heldPtr; }

    T* heldPtr;

Define non-member functions inside templates when type conversions are desired

template<typename T> class Rational;

template<typename T>
const Rational<T> doMutiply(const Rational<T>& lhs, const Rational<T>& rhs);

template<typename T>
class Rational {
    // use a helper to avoid the affect of inlining 
    friend Rational<T> operator*(const Rational<T>& lhs, const Rational<T>& rhs) {
        return doMultiply(lhs, rhs); 

Use traits classes for information about types

  • traits classes make “type-related information” be available in compile-time,
    which is implemented by templates and template specializations.
  • traits classes can execute the if...else test in compile-time via overloading.
struct input_iterator_tag {};
struct output_iterator_tag {};
struct forward_iterator_tag: public input_iterator_tag {};
struct bidirectional_iterator_tag: public forward_iterator_tag {};
struct random_access_iterator_tag: public bidirectional_iterator_tag {};

template<typename IterT, typename DistT>
void doAdvance(IterT& iter, DistT d, std::random_access_iterator_tag) { iter += d; }
template<typename IterT, typename DistT>
void doAdvance(IterT& iter, DistT d, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag) {
    if(d >= 0) { while(d--) ++iter; }
    else { while(d++) --iter; }

// it can also accept forward_iterator_tag
template<typename IterT, typename DistT>
void doAdvance(IterT& iter, DistT d, std::input_iterator_tag) {
    if(d < 0) {
        throw std::out_of_range("Negative distance"); 
    while(d--) ++iter;

template<typename T>
void advance(IterT& iter, DistT d) {
    doAdvance(iter, d, typename std::iterator_traits<IterT>::iterator_category());

Be aware of templatee metaprogramming

  • TMP is Turing-complete, and TMP loops is recursive template instantiation.
// It may be implemented by `enum hack` in lower version of cpp compiler.
template<std::size_t n>
struct factorial {
    static const std::size_t value = n * factorial<n - 1>::value;    
struct factorial<0> {
    static const std::size_t value = 1;