resource management, notes(3), effective c++

Resource Management

(I read a Chinese version of the book, any translation problem plz point out.

Use objects to manage resources

  • Priciples

    • put into managing object when acquired resources
      (Resource Acquistion Is Initialization; RAII).
    • managing object uses destructor to ensure the resources is released.
  • Methods

    • auto_ptr
      once be assigned, the right side one is null.
      so the feature of abnormal assignment operator makes that it can’t be put into containers.
    • referencing-counting smart pointer (RCSP)
      it can’t break cycles of references.
      it seems they’re in the “used” status when 2 unused objects point to each other.

Think carefully about copying behavior in resource-managing classes

  • create a class to do this.
  • no copying. -> =delete or inherit from uncopyable
  • reference-count in the low-level resources (shared_ptr).
    class Lock {
      explicit Lock(Mutex* pm):
          mutexPtr(pm, unlock) {
      std::shared_ptr<Mutex> mutexPtr;
  • deep copying.
    copy wrapped resources when copying the resource-managing object.
  • transfer the ownership of low-level resources (auto_pr).

Provide access to raw resources in resource-managing classes

Sometimes we need to provide compatibility to C APIs.

  • provide a get() to access the raw pointer, safer.
    // C APIs.
    FontHandle getFont();
    void releaseFont(FontHandle fh);

Class Font {
explicit Font(FontHandle fh): f(fh) {}
~Font() { releaseFont(f); }
// …
FontHandle get() const { return f; }
// …
FontHandle f; // Raw font resources

* provide implicit conversion function may offer convenience to customers. but the opportunities of unexpected error is increased.
class Font {
    // ...
    operator FontHandle() const { return f; } 
    // ..

Font f1(getFont());
// It is intended to copy a Font object
// but f1 is copied after it is implicitly conversed to FontHandle
FontHandle f2 = f1;
  • no contradiction with encapsulation, just to ensure resource releasing.

Use the same form in corresponding uses of new and delete


  • Tips:
    use containers to reduce the risk misusing delete when releasing memory of typedefined array.
    typedef std::string stringArray[4];
    std::string* pal = new stringArray;
    delete pal;   // Undefined Behavior
    delete pal[]; // Good

Stored newed objects in smart pointers in standalone statements

  • look at the code below:
    int priority();
    void processWidget(std::shared_ptr pw, int priority);

processWidget(std::shared_ptr(new Widget), priority());

* it is free for the compiler to reorder the operations inside one statement, what if in this order:
`new Widget -> priority() -> shared_ptr`
* once `priority()` throws, the newed pointer will be lost and memory leak may happen.
* the compiler can't reorder the operations between statements, so
  the code below avoids the risk above.
std::shared_ptr<Widget> pw(new Widget);
processWidget(pw, priority());