
  • Reading Group
  • Instructor
    • 2019 Fall - Applied Statistics III: Longitudinal Analysis (BIOSTAT653)
    • 2018 Fall - Applied Statistics III: Longitudinal Analysis (BIOSTAT653) [Canvas site] [syllabus]
    • 2017 Fall - Statistical Methods for Epidemiology (BIOSTAT523) [Canvas Site][syllabus]
    • 2016 Fall - Statistical and Computational Methods for Learning through Graphical Models (Advanced
      Topics in Biostatistics; BIOSTAT 830), Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan.[Course Site]
    • 2014 Statistical Methods for Individualizing Health. Mayo Clinic, November 17, Rochester, MN. (Short course taught with Prof. Scott Zeger)
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
    • 2013 Case-based Introduction to Biostatistics, www.coursera.org, Teaching Staff for Prof. Scott Zeger.
  • Slides
    • Network. 2017 Big Data Summer Institute. [slides]
    • Visualization for Individualized Health (ggplot2 lecture) [Slides][R code][RMarkdown]
    • Methods in Biostatistics (140.653; Lecture 8) [slides] [.tex]
    • A Survey of Automatic Bayesian Software and Why You Should Care. Hopkins Biostatistics Student Computing Club. [slides]
    • Exploring the Posterior Distribution by Markov chain Monte Carlo. Hopkins Biostatistics Student Computing Club. [R Code]