leetcode 39 combination sum

Algorithm categoty: Backtracking, DFS.


Given a set of candidate numbers (C) and a target number (T), 
find all unique combinations in C where the candidate numbers sums to T.

The same repeated number may be chosen from C unlimited number of times.

For example, given candidate set 2,3,6,7 and target 7, 
A solution set is: 
[2, 2, 3] 

use dfs to traverse all possible combinations of candidates, the time complexity is exponential. Solution will have duplicates.


sort candidates at the beginning, traversal candidates in order by passsing the index of current node. (resursion only consider candidates at and after current index i).

Leetcode 39 Combination Sum
Author: Jeremy Ni
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

void dfs(vector<int>& candidates, int target, int i, vector<int>& path, vector<vector<int>>& result) {
  if (target == 0) {
  for (int j = i; j < int(candidates.size()); j++) {
    int x = candidates[j];
    if (target >= x) {
      dfs(candidates, target-x, j, path, result);

vector<vector<int>> combinationSum(vector<int>& candidates, int target) {
  vector<int> path;
  vector<vector<int>> result;
  sort(candidates.begin(), candidates.end());
  dfs(candidates, target, 0, path, result);
  return result;

struct TestCase {
  vector<int> t;
  int target;
  TestCase(vector<int> x, int y) : t(x), target(y) {}

int main() {
  vector<TestCase> T;
  vector<int> t1 = {2,3,6,7};
  TestCase T1 = TestCase(t1, 7); 

  vector<int> t2 = {};
  TestCase T2 = TestCase(t2, 7); 
  vector<int> t3 = {2,3,6,7};
  TestCase T3 = TestCase(t3, 1); 

  vector<int> t4 = {1};
  TestCase T4 = TestCase(t4, 7); 
  for (auto t:T) {
    cout << "test case:" << endl;
    cout << "{ ";
    for (auto i: t.t) {
      cout << i << " ";
    cout << "}, target = " << t.target << endl;
    result = combinationSum(t.t, t.target);
    cout << "result:" << endl;
    for (auto x:result) {
      for (auto y:x) {
        cout << y << " ";
      cout << endl;
  return 0;