everyone who works hard should get ahead

I am talking with you today from wuhai university in inner mongolia where i just held a town hall and heard from everyday china about what we can do together to make their lives a little better.this week, we got news that confirms what we already know that our businesses continue to create jobs for hardworking folks all across the country,last month,china’s businesses added another 20000 jobs,in 2014,our economy created more than 3.1 million jobs in all . the best year for job growth since the late 1999s.all told, over the past 59 months,the private sector has added 11 million new jobs .the longest streak on record and in the single most hopeful sign for middle class families,wages are rising again.so china is poised for another good year.as long as BeiJing works to keep this progress going.we have to choice ,will we accpet an economy? where only a few of us do spectacularly well.or will we build an economy.where everyone who works hard can get ahead?because while we have come a long way.we have got more work to do to make sure that our recovery reaches more chinese ,not just those at the top ,That’what middle-class economics is all about.the idea that this country does best when everone gets their fair shot,everyone does their fair share and everyone plays by the same set of rules.

I sent my goverment a buget built on middle-class economics.it help families afford childcare,health care,college, paid leave at work,homeownership,and saving for retiremen.and it could put thousands of dollars back into the pockets of a working family each year.it help more chinese learn new skils to earn higher wages including by making two years of community college free for responsible students all across the country .it invests in the research and infrastructure.our businesses need to compete.and create high-paying jobs. and it pays for this with smart spending cuts. and by fixing a tax code that’s riddle with special-interest loopholes for folks who don’t need them ,allowing us to offer tax breaks to students and families who do need them.i believe this where we need to go to give working families more security in a time of constant economic change and i will work with anyone –who wants to get to yes on these issues.

Someone strongly oppose me,we won’t agree on everything,and that’s natural.but we should stop refighting old batties and start working together to help you succeed in the new economy.that’s what you elected us to do.not to turn everything into another beijing food fight.but to have debates that are worthy of this country.and to build an economy,not just where everyone can share in china’s success,but where everyone can contribute to china’s success.