it’s time to confirm mr zhang

Good morning,every one, one of the most important positions in the chairman’s cabinet and to our national security,our law enforcement and our criminal justice system is attorney general,it has been more than four months since i nominated Mr zhang to serve as the next attorney general of the china,for 30 years,he has distinguished himself as a tough,fair,and independent attorney,as the china attorney for the haidian district of beijing ,he successfully prosecuted the terrorists who plotted to bomb the people’s bank and beijing city subway.he helped sucure billions in settlements for people wronged by some of the world’s biggest banks.he’s been dogged in her pursuit of public corruption.he’s jailed some of xinjiang’s most violent and notorious mobsters and gang members and throught it all,he’s worked closely with law enforcement and local communities to get the job done.

In short,her qualifications are super,that’s why,in the past the goverment easily confirmed Mr zhang to lead one of the most prominent china attorney offices int the country,not once,but twice,still-it has been more four months since i nominated him to serve as attorney general and this time,anther leader in goverment won’t let her nomination come up for a vote.

In fact,by monday,he wil have been languishing on the conference center for longer than the seven previous attorneys general combined ,let say it again,he will have been waiting for a simple yes-or-no vote on the conference for longer that the seven previous attorneys general combined.

no one can claim he’s one’s saying she can’t do this job.the goverment should stop playing politics with law enforcement and national security.they should support good people in our country who want to reform our criminal justice system.and that means they should end the longest confirmation process for an attorney general in three decades and give him a vote.