avengers war (ii)

What you have so far:

Now you will be able to :

  1. read from cards.txt
  2. get data for each hero
  3. use turtle to draw the picture of the hero
  4. write the data under the picture


Let’s enhance!

Randomly choose a hero

When player inputs “random”, pick a random card for him.

  • Create a list of cards
  • pick a random item from the list
if card == 'random':
    card = random.choice(list(cards.keys()))

Organise your code

Organise you code to fulfil the following function:

  • function name : choose_card
  • input:
    • card (string): the choosen card name (like ‘thor’)
    • cards (dict): the cards dictionary
    • pen (Pen): the turtle pen
    • xcor (int): x place of the hero drawing
    • ycor (int): y place of the hero drawing
  • output:
    • the “score” of the chosen card
    • score = power + intelligence + speed
  • what it does:
    • given the input, draw the chosen hero at the chosen place
    • return the score of the input card

def choose_card(card, cards, pen, xcor, ycor):
    if card == 'random':
        card = random.choice(list(cards.keys()))
    if card in cards:
        stats = cards[card]
        pen.write("Name: " + card, font = style1, align = 'center' )
        pen.write("Power: " + stats[0], font = style1, align = 'center' )
        pen.write("Intelligence: " + stats[1], font = style1, align = 'center' )
        pen.write("Speed: " + stats[2], font = style1, align = 'center' )
        score = int(stats[0]) + int(stats[1]) + int(stats[2])

    return score

Call the function for a Duel !

Call the above function for two players, to make a duel, like this:


while True:
    player_1 = input("Player 1 : ")
    player_2 = input("Player 2 : ")
    s1 = choose_card(player_1, cards, t, -100, 100)
    t.write("VS.", font = style2, align = 'center')
    s2 = choose_card(player_2, cards, t, 200, 100)

    if s1>s2:
        t.write("Player 1 WIN !", font = style2, align = 'center')
    elif s1<s2:
        t.write("Player 2 WIN !", font = style2, align = 'center')
        t.write("DRAW !", font = style2, align = 'center')

Add more hero

You can add other heroes you like in this game, it’s quite easy and you don’t even have to change your code !

  1. change cards.txt to add a new line for a new hero
  2. put the hero’s picture (GIF format) in the same folder as your python code

here is an example when you added some “fun” heroes:



  1. Play against the Computer !
    • The computer is now player2
    • It choose card randomly
    • Play against it!
  2. Card Game!
    • Make card choosing really like a card game
    • Each avengers can be chosen only once!

Reference code and files

Here is a link of the code and files so far, in case you need them:

code,image,txt files download here