

效果 UI 与 事件

效果可以在两个区域提供自定义 UI :

  • 效果控制窗口(自定义 ECW UI)
  • 合成或层窗口(自定义 Comp UI)。

使用自定义 UI 的效果应该设置 PF_OutFlag_CUSTOM_UI (【从全局选择器的】PF_Cmd_GLOBAL_SETUP 期间从 PF_OutFlags 中) ,并处理 PF_Cmd_EVENT 选择器。

自定义 ECW UI 允许效果使用自定义控件提供参数,该控件既可以与标准参数类型一起使用,也可以与任意数据参数一起使用。

具有自定义 UI 的参数在添加参数时应该设置 PF_PUI_CONTROL(来自参数 UI 标志)。

自定义 Comp UI 允许效果在合成或图层窗口中直接操作视频。


效果应该通过调用 PF_REGISTER_UI 来注册自己来接收事件。

After Effects 可以将事件发送到效果 ,以进行用户界面处理和参数管理,并将效果集成到其中心消息队列中。

在发送许多事件以响应用户输入的同时,After Effects 也向管理任意数据参数的效果发送事件。

事件的类型在 PF_EventExtra->e_type 中指定,各种事件如下所述。

Effect UI & Events

Effects can provide custom UI in two areas: (1) the Effect Controls Window (custom ECW UI), and (2) the Composition or Layer Windows (Custom Comp UI).

Effects that use custom UI should set PF_OutFlag_CUSTOM_UI (from PF_OutFlags during PF_Cmd_GLOBAL_SETUP (from Global Selectors), and handle the PF_Cmd_EVENT selector.

Custom ECW UI allows an effect to provide a parameter with a customized control, which can be used either with standard parameter types or Arbitrary Data Parameters.

Parameters that have a custom UI should set PF_PUI_CONTROL (from Parameter UI Flags) when adding the parameter.

Custom Comp UI allows an effect to provide direct manipulation of the video in the Composition or Layer Windows.

When the effect is selected, the Window can overlay custom controls directly on the video, and can handle user interaction with those controls, to adjust parameters more quickly and naturally.

Effects should register themselves to receive events by calling PF_REGISTER_UI.

After Effects can send events to effects for user interface handling and parameter management, integrating effects into its central message queue.

While many events are sent in response to user input, After Effects also sends events to effects which manage arbitrary data parameters.

The type of event is specified in PF_EventExtra->e_type and the various events are described below.


时间类型 指示
PF_Event_NEW_CONTEXT 用户为事件创建了一个新的上下文(可能是通过打开一个窗口)。允许插件使用上下文句柄在上下文中存储状态信息。PF_EventUnion包含有效的上下文和类型,但其他一切都应该被忽略。
PF_Event_ACTIVATE 用户激活了一个新的上下文(可能是通过将一个窗口带到前景)。PF_EventUnion是空的。
PF_Event_DO_CLICK 用户在效果的 UI 内单击。PF_EventUnion包含一个 PF_DoClickEventInfo 。处理鼠标点击和响应,传递拖动信息; 请参阅示例代码)。注意:从 7.0 开始,不要阻塞直到鼠标抬起; 改为依赖于 PF_Event_DRAG
PF_Event_DRAG 也是一个点击事件,PF_EventUnion包含一个 PF_DoClickEventInfo 。请求从 PF_Event_DO_CLICK 返回 send_drag == TRUE 。这样 After Effects 就可以从用户的更改中看到新的数据。
PF_Event_DRAW 绘制事件! PF_EventUnion 包含一个 PF_DrawEventInfo
PF_Event_DEACTIVATE 用户已经停用了一个上下文(可能是通过将另一个窗口带到前景)。PF_EventUnion 是空的。
PF_Event_CLOSE_CONTEXT 上下文已被用户关闭。PF_EventUnion 将为空。
PF_Event_IDLE 一个上下文是开放的,但没有发生任何事情。PF_EventUnion 是空的。
PF_Event_ADJUST_CURSOR 鼠标位于插件的 UI 上方。通过改变 PF_AdjustCursorEventInfo 中的 PF_CursorType 来设置光标。使用特定于操作系统的调用来实现自定义游标; 告诉 After Effects 你已经通过设置 PF_CursorTypePF_Cursor_CUSTOM 完成了。尽可能使用 After Effects 游标来保持接口的连续性。
PF_Event_KEYDOWN 按键事件。PF_EventUnion包含一个 PF_KeyDownEvent
PF_Event_MOUSE_EXITED CS6 新引入的。通知鼠标不再是在一个特定的视图上(仅层或复合)。


Event Indicates
PF_Event_NEW_CONTEXT The user created a new context (probably by opening a window) for events.The plug-in is allowed to store state information inside the context using the context handle.PF_EventUnion contains valid context and type, but everything else should be ignored.
PF_Event_ACTIVATE The user activated a new context (probably by bringing a window into the foreground). PF_EventUnion is empty.
PF_Event_DO_CLICK The user clicked within the effect’s UI. PF_EventUnion contains a PF_DoClickEventInfo.Handle the mouse click and respond, passing along drag info; see sample code), within a context.NOTE: As of 7.0, do not block until mouse-up; instead, rely on PF_Event_DRAG.
PF_Event_DRAG Also a Click Event, PF_EventUnion contains a PF_DoClickEventInfo.Request this by returning send_drag == TRUE from PF_Event_DO_CLICK.Do this so After Effects can see new data from the user’s changes.
PF_Event_DRAW Draw! PF_EventUnion contains a PF_DrawEventInfo.
PF_Event_DEACTIVATE The user has deactivated a context (probably by bringing another window into the foreground). PF_EventUnion is empty.
PF_Event_CLOSE_CONTEXT A context has been closed by the user. PF_EventUnion will be empty.
PF_Event_IDLE A context is open but nothing is happening. PF_EventUnion is empty.
PF_Event_ADJUST_CURSOR The mouse is over the plug-in’s UI. Set the cursor by changing the PF_CursorType in the PF_AdjustCursorEventInfo.Use OS-specific calls to implement a custom cursor; tell After Effects you’ve done so by setting PF_CursorType to PF_Cursor_CUSTOM.Use an After Effects cursor whenever possible to preserve interface continuity.
PF_Event_KEYDOWN Keystroke. PF_EventUnion contains a PF_KeyDownEvent.
PF_Event_MOUSE_EXITED New in CS6. Notification that the mouse is no longer over a specific view (layer or comp only).