

  • 双向链表。通过移动到下一个元素,可以正向遍历整个链表。通过移动到前一个元素,可以反向遍历整个链表
  • 插入元素,效率很高。只需要修改前一个元素的Next和后一个元素的Previous。相比之下List<T>插入元素,需要移动后面所有元素。
  • 要访问链表位于中间的元素,效率较低。只能从头或者从尾一个一个找过去。
  • 元素为LinkedListNode<T>
成员 说明
First 第一个元素
Last 最后一个元素
AddAfter() 指定位置后,插入
AddBefore() 指定位置前,插入
AddFirst() 插入到最前面
AddLast() 插入到最后面
Remove() 指定位置,删除
RemoveFirst() 删除第一个
RemoveLast() 删除最后一个
Find() 从链表头,开始找
FindLast() 从链表尾,开始找


成员 说明
List 与此Node,相关的LinkedList<T>对象
Next 下一个Node
Previous 前一个Node
Value 此Node中,T类型的值


  • 动态插入Document的过程中,需要保持一种秩序
  • 这种秩序是
    • Priority高的,排在前面
    • Priority相同时,先插入的排在前面
    class Program
        static void Main()
            var pdm = new PriorityDocumentManager();
            pdm.AddDocument(new Document("one", "Sample", 8));
            pdm.AddDocument(new Document("two", "Sample", 3));
            pdm.AddDocument(new Document("three", "Sample", 4));
            pdm.AddDocument(new Document("four", "Sample", 8));
            pdm.AddDocument(new Document("five", "Sample", 1));
            pdm.AddDocument(new Document("six", "Sample", 9));
            pdm.AddDocument(new Document("seven", "Sample", 1));
            pdm.AddDocument(new Document("eight", "Sample", 1));

  public class Document
       public Document(string title, string content, byte priority)
           Title = title;
           Content = content;
           Priority = priority;

       public string Title { get;  }
       public string Content { get; }
       public byte Priority { get; }


priority: 9, title six
priority: 8, title one
priority: 8, title four
priority: 4, title three
priority: 3, title two
priority: 1, title five
priority: 1, title seven
priority: 1, title eight


  • List<LinkedListNode<Document>> _priorityNodes用来存储,在每一个Priority上已经插入了的最新的,Document。
    public class PriorityDocumentManager
        private readonly LinkedList<Document> _documentList;

        // priorities 0.9
        private readonly List<LinkedListNode<Document>> _priorityNodes;

        public PriorityDocumentManager()
            _documentList = new LinkedList<Document>();

            _priorityNodes = new List<LinkedListNode<Document>>(10);
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                _priorityNodes.Add(new LinkedListNode<Document>(null));

        public void AddDocument(Document d)
            if (d is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(d));

            AddDocumentToPriorityNode(d, d.Priority);

        private void AddDocumentToPriorityNode(Document doc, int priority)
            if (priority > 9 || priority < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Priority must be between 0 and 9");

            if (_priorityNodes[priority].Value == null)
                if (priority >= 0)
                    // check for the next lower priority
                    AddDocumentToPriorityNode(doc, priority);
                else // now no priority node exists with the same priority or lower
                     // add the new document to the end
                    _priorityNodes[doc.Priority] = _documentList.Last;
            else // a priority node exists
                LinkedListNode<Document> prioNode = _priorityNodes[priority];
                if (priority == doc.Priority)
                // priority node with the same priority exists
                    _documentList.AddAfter(prioNode, doc);

                    // set the priority node to the last document with the same priority
                    _priorityNodes[doc.Priority] = prioNode.Next;
                else // only priority node with a lower priority exists
                    // get the first node of the lower priority
                    LinkedListNode<Document> firstPrioNode = prioNode;

                    while (firstPrioNode.Previous != null &&
                       firstPrioNode.Previous.Value.Priority == prioNode.Value.Priority)
                        firstPrioNode = prioNode.Previous;
                        prioNode = firstPrioNode;

                    _documentList.AddBefore(firstPrioNode, doc);

                    // set the priority node to the new value
                    _priorityNodes[doc.Priority] = firstPrioNode.Previous;

        public void DisplayAllNodes()
            foreach (Document doc in _documentList)
                Console.WriteLine($"priority: {doc.Priority}, title {doc.Title}");

        // returns the document with the highest priority
        // (that's first in the linked list)
        public Document GetDocument()
            Document doc = _documentList.First.Value;
            return doc;