“so long”

I don’t know “so long” means “bye” at the first time I saw this idiom. I actually just thought it means something like the chinese version of “long time no see”, but apparently I’m wrong. I’m saying “so long” to this site, but with the accidentally incorrectly interpreted meaning above, so please don’t think i’m abandoning this site. Call it a happy accident if you did 🙂 This site definitely needs more love and time from me, which is a luxury for me these days. So sad that I’m giving away a lot of my good habits but picked up lots of other bad habits during the way. Sad itself doesn’t fix this problem. Keep feeding it with new posts does. So this no-meaning post starts this journey, just hope I can keep on… again, sad face 🙁 ((which means I’m not sure if I can keep it up… let’s see.))