Unit 16

The steps you take don’t need to be big,they just need to take you in the right direction.

1. host v./n.

2. ghost n./v.

3. hostile adj.

4. hostility n.

5. hospitality n.

6. hostage n.

7. military adj.

8. militaty intelligence

9. artificial intelligence

10. intellectual property

11. armed adj.

12. native adj./n.

13. alternative adj./n.

14. alternatively adv.

15. procedure n.

16. working procedure

17. starting procedure

18. loading procedure

19. recommend v.

20. recommendation n.

21. commend v.

22. place a high value on

23. attach importance to

24. master v./n./adj.

25. masterpiece n.

26. mastery n.

27. be proficient in

28. be adept at

29. be good at

30. have/show great mastery of

31. pour v.

32. outpouring n.

33. pour into

34. strengthen v.

35. bury v.

36. bury one’s head in the sand

37. celebrate v.

38. celebrity n.

40. celerity n.

41. crop n./v.

42. you reap what you sow

43. crown n./v.

44. disaster n.

45. catasrophe n.

46. catastrophic adj.

47. orient v./n./adj.

48. oriented adj.

49. prevail v.

50. reign v./n.

51. quest v.

52. request v./b.

53. question n./v.

54. unquestioned adj.

55. rear v./adj./n.

56. rearing n.

57. reap v.

58. at the rear of

59. bring up the rear

60. specialize v.

61. specialize in

62. vulnerable adj.

63. fragile adj.

64. brittle adj.

65. ambigous adj.

66. unambigous adj.

67. obscure adj./v.

68. opaque adj.

69. vague adj.

70. peak n./adj./v.

71. paramount adj.

72. summit n.

73. climax n.

74. pension n.

75. suspension n.

76. termination n.

77. grant n./v.

78. subsidy n.

79. allowance n.

80. rage n.

81. outrage n./v.

82. in a rage

83. fury n.

84. recipient n.

85. recipe n.

86. eliminate v.

87. elimination n.

88. remote adj.

89. distant adj.

90. faraway adj.

91. farther adv.

92. immune adj.

93. immunity n.

94. immunology n.

95. be immune to

96. implement v./n.

97. implementation n.

98. present v.

99. trial n./adj.

100. dose n./v.

101. a dose of

102. a dozen of