
07-09-2017 Here I will post messages that are too pithy and succinct to constitute a full-length essay.

14-09-2017 If you come across the following YAMLException error, when upload a blog post written by Macdown, you miss a space behind the ‘title:’, that is ‘title:title’ should be ‘title: title’. (NOTE: The input sources must be English, like U.S..)

INFO Start processing

ERROR Process failed: _posts/

YAMLException: can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key at line 3, column 1:


at generateError…

15-09-2017 If you would like to array you hexo blog posts in descending order (= the latest appears at the top), as you create a blog post with Macdown, you should write the date in this way:

‘date: 09-14-2017’, but not ‘date: 14-09-2017’,

even if you set ‘date format: DD-MM-YYYY’ in hexo ‘_config.yml’.

27-09-2017 If you come across the following error when upload Hexo blog posts, after updating from macOS Sierra to macOS High Sierra, please type ‘xcode-select –install’ in Terminal and return.

xcrun: error: invalid active developer path