animations switch

NG-ZORRO allows developers to turn off animations. You can set animations by adding corresponding directive or
configurations, or use global configuration to turn off all animations with.

In Global#

Replace BrowserAnimationsModule with 'NoopAnimationsModule` in the your module.

  imports: [

In Templates#

Import NzNoAnimationModule module.

import { NzNoAnimationModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/core';

  imports: [

Add the nzNoAnimation directive to the component that wants to close the animation.

<nz-modal nzNoAnimation></nz-modal>
<ul nz-menu nzNoAnimation></ul>
<nz-form-explain [nzNoAnimation]="true"></nz-form-explain>

In Services#

Add the following configuration to the component that wants to close the animation.

Modal, Drawer#

    nzNoAnimation: true

Notification, Message#

   nzAnimate: false

Turn-Off the Wave Effect#

Some component use dynamic style to support wave effect, You can set the provider NZ_WAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG Or use NoopAnimationsModule to turn off the wave effect.

  providers   : [
        provide: NZ_WAVE_GLOBAL_CONFIG, useValue: {
          disabled: true