

# draw up at a station
print("Welcome to ChengDu railway station!")

is_ticket = input("Have a ticket? True or False:")

if is_ticket:
  print("Welcome,please go to security check!")
  print("please buy a ticket")

if is_ticket:
	controlled_knife = input("the length of knife:")
	if controlled_knife >= 20:
		print("prohibit enter the station")
		print("Welcome to ride!")

# the game of Rock Paper Scissors

import random

player = input("Please show your fist:Rock(1),Paper(2),Scissorrs(3)")

computer = random.randint(1,3)

print("the fist of player is %d VS the fist of computer is %d"%(player,computer))

if ((player == 1 and computer == 3)
    or (player == 2 and computer == 1)
    or (player == 3 and computer == 2)):
  print("Yeah,player win!")
elif player == computer:
  print("We are eye to eye.")
  print("Oh,no.Game over!")