anlysis of algorithm

Scientific method applied to analysis of algorithms

A framework for perdicting performance and comparing algorithms.

  • Observe some feature of the natural world.

  • Hypothesize a model that is consistent with the observations.

  • Predict events using the hypothesis.

  • Verify the predictions by making further observations.

  • Validate by repeating until the hypothesis and observations agree.

Common order-of-growth classifications

Theory of algorithms

Types of analyses

Best case. Lower bound on cost.

  • Determined by “easiest” input.
  • Provides a goal for all inputs.

Worst case. Upper bound on cost.

  • Determined by “most difficult” input.
  • Provides a guarantee for all inputs.

Average case. Expected cost for random input.

  • Need a model for “random” input.
  • Provides a way to predict performance.

Commonly-used notations in the theory of algorithms

Theory of algorithms: example of 1-Sum


  • Establish “difficulty” of a problem and develop “optimal” algorithms.
  • Ex.1-Sum=”Is there a 0 in the array”

Upper bound.

  • Ex. Brute-force algorithm for 1-Sum: Look at every array entry.
  • Running time of the optimal algorithm for 1-Sum is O(N)

Lower bound.

  • Ex. Have to examine all N entries (any unexamined one might be 0).
  • Running time of the optimal algorithm for 1-SUM is Ω(N).

Optimal algorithm.

  • Lower bound equals upper bound (to within a constant factor).
  • Ex. Brute-force algorithm for 1-SUM is optimal: its running time is Θ(N ).

Theory of algorithms: example of 3-Sum


  • Establish “difficulty” of a problem and develop “optimal” algorithms.
  • Ex.3-Sum

Upper bound.

  • Ex. Improved algorithm for 3-Sum.
  • Running time of the optimal algorithm for 3-Sum is O(N^2logN )

Lower bound.

  • Ex. Have to examine all N entries for 3-Sum.
  • Running time of the optimal algorithm for 3-SUM is Ω(N).



  • Bit. 0 or 1.
  • Byte. 8 bits.
  • Megabyte(MB). 1 million or 2^20 bytes.
  • Gigabyte(GB). 1 billion or 2^30 bytes.

Typical memory usage for primitive types and arrays

Typical memory usage for objects in Java

  • Object overhead 16 bytes.
  • Reference 8 bytes.
  • Padding Each object uses a multiple of 8 bytes.

Typical memory usage summary

Total memroy usage for a data type value:

  • Primitive type: 4 bytes for int, 8 bytes for double, …
  • Object reference: 8 bytes.
  • Array: 24 bytes + memory for each array entry.
  • Object: 16 bytes + memory for each instance variable + 8 bytes if inner class (for pointer to enclosing class).
  • Padding: round up to multiple of 8 bytes.