mendeley and endnote


The lateste version is Endnote X8, which has improved a lot compared several years ago. Some new features such us synchronization, folder wathch etc are now all impplemented in this software. After uptdata to MacOS high sierra, mendeley seems doesn’t work (completely crashes!) , this bug couldn’t be fixed in the near future. That’s why I have to move to Endnote X8 for a whie. Luckly, PKU has bought the licience.

Export bibtex for LaTex

Since I work a lot with Latex, the first thing I want to setup is export bibtex style reference record into BibDesk. In mendely this is very simple, just right click and slect Export to Bibtex entry. While in Endnote, we have to configure the export stytle

Some tutorials

Endnote provides some excellent official tutorials, which can be found in Youtube